Using Encryption To Improve Your IT Security

One of the major fears of modern IT users centers around hackers becoming increasingly versatile in the ways they attempt to steal personal information and data. Once a hacker has gained possession of these sensitive details it is possible for them to commit various acts of fraud, exploiting them for commercial gain. Due to this it is imperative for computer users to invest in IT security solutions which will best protect them; whereas spyware detection software and anti-virus programs are a good start, there are more fool proof ways to successfully defend against hackers.
Encryption is one such solution. By encrypting files, a user is protecting them from potential cyber-attacks or hackers and this solution can be employed as a preventative measure to varying degrees; ranging from individual folder and file protection to more complicated techniques utilized by professionals to protect larger or more sensitive files encryption is considered one of the most hack-proof methods of IT security.

What is Encryption?

Encryption is a process of taking data stored on a system, server or network and scrambling this information so it becomes unreadable to anyone who does not have the right password, or “key”, to access and read the original, untainted information.

There are a number of different types of encryption keys. The first of these are known as “public keys” and are shared between companies or users who send encrypted information to each other over the internet or through portable devices such as USB drives. This means they are able to access and read the files with a degree of safety as anyone attempting to intercept the information will be unable to “unscramble” it without the correct encryption key; thusly all sensitive details will remain impenetrable and of no use to potential hackers. Private encryption keys represent IT security solutions which are specific to a certain network and will have only the administrator or IT tech of the company be able to access the private key information.
How Does Encryption Prevent Hacking?

Without an encryption key it is impossible for a potential hacker to access the information contained within the encrypted file, folder or network; keys are essential for unscrambling encrypted data and getting access to the coded information contained within. Due to this encryption represents a simple and practical method of adding protection on top of that already gained from anti-virus programs and spyware packages.

One of the main benefits, however, from encryption is how simple it is to do.  To encrypt a file all that is necessary is right clicking on the folder it is stored in and, from the options that appear, clicking on the advanced attributes setting. The next step will often be simply selecting the option that allows for compression and encryption of data. All files that are kept within the folder will become automatically encrypted; this is followed by a prompt to back up the encryption key.

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